Tomorrow, May 21, our company is happy to announce that some of the students we are preparing during our Codespring Mentoring Program, will be also present at the 23rd Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference powered by Codespring, the tech brand of SOFTECH from Cluj-Napoca. This time the ETDK (Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference) will be held online due to the global context, nevertheless we congratulate the organizers and the local university for continuing with this great project for science.

About the Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference

Already at its impressive 23rd edition, this conference is organized by the Hungarian Students Union Organization in Cluj-Napoca in partnership with the local Babeș-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca and in cooperation with SOFTECH software development company from Cluj-Napoca, under its brand Codespring.

The conference has a multidisciplinary approach and is designed for Hungarian speaking students from Transylvania enrolled in both formal and empirical disciplines. The scientific communication sessions are a well known form of exchanging ideas and boosting creativity.

Sections and Tracks of the Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference 2020

This year, the organizers have accepted projects that fall under the following study disciplines and categories:

  • Informatics I.: theoretical models, experiments, simulations & mathematics
  • Informatics II.: innovative computing technologies and applications
  • Marketing and Finance
  • Economics: Management
  • Dramaturgy, music and music theory
  • Hungarian classic history and 19th-20 century world history and folklore
  • Modern and contemporary literature, medieval literature, literature theory and Hungarian language
  • Psychology I.: social psychology
  • Psychology II.: cognitive psychology
  • Pedagogy
  • Human geography
  • Communication and journalism
  • Theology
  • Physics and Chemistry
  • Biology and kinesitherapy
  • Public administration, sociology and anthropology

Students from Transylvania had to submit their projects by the beginning of May 2020 and the  selected ones will get to be presented to the jury commission on Friday, May 22nd.

Why is SOFTECH | Codespring Supporting This Type of Initiatives?

From our experience, the more interesting the topics of research and study, the more attracted students will be to disciplines such as information technology, computational systems, computer based modelling and other applications of software development. The interaction of a future software developer with its potential end-beneficiaries (students from other disciplines) or direct collaborators is essential in order to help them understand the complexity of the real world.

We are glad that this event is based in Cluj-Napoca, the heart of Transylvania, and that it is chaired by professors from the elite university in the region – the Babel-Bolyai University. It is an exercise of cooperation and dedication from all the parties involved.

What Projects Have The Students Prepared for The Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference?

At this moment, we have heard that a lot of interesting projects in the categories of Informatics I.: theoretical models, experiments, simulations & mathematics and Informatics II.: innovative computing technologies and applications are submitted.

We have talked to a few mentors from SOFTECH | Codespring teams and it seems that we will have some impressive questions and solutions raised druing the research projects. Howwever, let’s keep our curiosity levels high and stay tuned for more information after this Saturday, when the jury will also announce the results of the Transylvanian Students Scientific Conference.

Cool prizes and lots of fun are at steak, and we heard that Adrenalin Park will grant a few adventure passes to the most appreciated projects of this edition!