Software development principles are the ones that guide our work, since 1998. SOFTECH has been working with various customers since the foundation of the company. The key success factor of
these long-term cooperations is our ability to fine-tune the business relationships with our customers.
The five pillars of SOFTECH’s fine-tuning model are:
- Governance – the steering committee of the project
- Responsibility – for what will be responsible each team.
- Software Development Process / Model – which is the most suitable method or model.
- Team Collaboration – the way in which the teams will work on the project.
- Human Resources – what are the roles, and how will we set up each team.
- Infrastructure – setting up the necessary infrastructure in all locations.
Fine Tuning Software with SOFTECH from Cluj-Napoca is a process that creates room for further growth and development.

Software development principles are the premise for a high quality software. When all parties understand these principles, everyone is on board and has the mindset to deliver at their best! Although there are many aspects that must be covered, everyone – from our customers to the industry experts – can learn what are the key principles that must be respected.
Software development principles can be approached from different perspectives: from the programming style perspective, form the specifications perspective, from the systems perspective. An entire list of principles and guiding rules can be found across the web and across the research papers. The constant thing about software development principles is that they evolve like an organism, forced by the development of the knowledge in the software field.
In the end, what counts most is to agree on the principles that we follow on both sides – provider and beneficiary.