Founded in 1998, SOFTECH from Cluj-Napoca, Romania is constantly taking care of updating the company industry required certifications. Certificates of Softech Software Development Company are a good indicator for the certified quality of the software services.
Since the early beginnings, our struggle was to align our services and systems with the latest available on the market. We are proud to ahve succeeded in most cases. High quality full software development life cycle is an aim in itself for our software development team.

The certificates presented above stand for our expertise with Microsoft ecosystem, with MacOS ecosystem and with ISO processes. We are also in course of obtaining other specific certificates, but we see these as the most representative.
- As a holder of Microsoft’s best accredited independent technical support providers, we can provide support for data management and software development.
- As a certified MAC developer team we can offer best-in-class mobile app development and back-end system integration.
- As an ISO 9001 certified company we are internationally recognized to deliver services at the standards imposed for Quality Management Systems (QMS).
All the certificates of Softech software development team are subject to constant assessment and evaluation. Therefore, we trust that the reader will value our effort to constantly update and upgrade our knowledge base, technology stack and skillset.