Softech, the software development company from Cluj-Napoca, is currently opening a new branch in Târgu Mureș. Consequently, new software developers jobs in Târgu Mureș are available now with Softech │Codespring. One of the main advanatges for those living in Mureș county is that all software developers jobs in Târgu Mureș can be done in a WfO or WfH format.

Software Developers Jobs in Târgu Mureș for Senior Professionals
As per our latest job announcements, if you are a senior software developer looking for a change in your career, now it is the moment to do it. Our job offer sprectrum covers currently roles such as Full stack .NET software developers, mobile developers and Java backend developers. The projects are from different industry sectors and are subject to IoT development, cloud development and DevOps practices. The customers are global leading players in their segment markets.
For free applications and career opportunities we encourage senior developers to contact directly our talent sourcing team at
Software Developers Jobs in Târgu Mureș for Juniors
In case you are looking to start a career in software development are you are simply looking for a junior software developer job in Târgu-Mureș, there several different ways to approach our company.
- The first approach is to check for junior level career opportunities, advertised on our websites Softech and Codespring at the career section.
- The second approach is to enroll in our Codespring Mentoring Program since your academic years and follow your mentors’ guidance.
- As a third option, you can join the summer internships program and have a first experience on actual projects.
- The fourth possibility is to enrol in a fast-track software development training. This type of trainings are generally announced on our page.
As you can see, the opportunities for software developer jobs in Târgu Mureș are diverse; you just have to set your mind up to it.
In our view, your personality and professional background are important for building a strong software development community at Softech │Codespring. That is why we would like to hear from you. If all the above sounds good for you, contact us directly with a CV and questions directly at