On June 19 – 20, SOFTECH team took part in the first edition of the Romanian-Japanese Innovation Forum held in Cluj-Napoca! The event was organized with the support of the Embassy of Japan amd the it clusters of the region.

The event had as a goal to strengthen the Romanian – Japanese collaboration, as a follow-up of the mutually signed strategic partnership in March 2023, in order to deepen the cooperation in the field of science and technology.
We are proud that our city was chosen as a destination for such a high-level event! We had the opportunity to present the local business ecosystem, namely the IT sector with its software development segment and to establish new connections with potential partners from Japan.
The forum was structured in two distinct sections: the high-level strategic conference “TECHCO FOR A DIGITAL SUNRISE” on Monday and the business-matching event on Tuesday. Around 200 business representatives had the chance to explore new collaboration opportunities between the private, academic and public sectors.
For two days, senior Romanian and Japanese government officials, prominent academics and business people leading innovation and announced smart city demonstration projects were on stage or held interesting workshops. We have witnessed the meeting of two distinct cultures and our common efforts to align our conversations.
Congratulations everyone for pinning Cluj-Napoca as a cross-sectorial innovation destination and as a major tech pole of Romania.
Congratulations to the organizing partners: ANCOM , Embassy of JAPAN in Romania,
Municipiul Cluj-Napoca, Ambasada României în Japonia, JETRO – Collaborate & Invest Japan, Ministerul Cercetării, Inovării și Digitalizării – România, Directoratul Național de Securitate Cibernetică – DNSC
Special thanks to ANIS Romania, Transilvania IT Cluster and Transilvania Digital Innovation Hub for promoting the member companies during the event!