New Cluj software talents on board mean more software development power for SOFTECH │ Codespring. Recently our team has grown with new colleagues, attentively selected from our student internship programmes. We congratulate them for their fantastic results and wish them a warm welcome on board!

Even if the current ITC market in Cluj-Napoca, in Transylvania and in Romania has been challenged by the new fiscal changes and its direct effects on future contracts, we are proud to report that our team stood its ground and is slowly acquiring new talent.

Our Cluj Software Talent Pool

Based on our historical collaborations with the Babeș-Bolyai University, namely the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, but also on our last years collaboration with Sapientia University we are happy to count each year a few valuable software developers recruits. This becomes more and more difficult since the younger generation seems to lack interest for mathematics, informatics and engineering. In such context, all software companies are putting in quite an effort to deliver quality trainings and to attract the best of each generation.

Onboarding At SOFTECH

This week, we decided to offer you a glimpse on our onboarding process. Welcoming our junior software developers starts with meeting our HR department who provide them with all the necessary info and tools to navigate through the processed and procedures of our organization.

Next, they will be inserted in the software development teams in order to accommodate with team work and software development processes. They will slowly embark on commercial projects and embrace their effective software developer roles.

Potential Roles In The Software Development Team

Even though our new talents are now at the beginning of a sinuous road, they must keep in mind that the future holds various options in a software development company.

From a junios software developer position they can further specialize in a technology expert. From a managerial perspective they can develop into team leaders and project reporters and later on as project managers. Another career path is to specialize in software arhitecture and become a software architect. Some prefer a more dynamic role such as the account manager position, enabling them to work directly with the customers and actual project beneficiaries.

All these are possible roles providing a beautiful career path. Nevertheless, each software developer must reflect on their own preferences and objectives. Software companies are beautiful oasis of intellectual work but they require lots of determination, precision and accuracy.

Industry Verticals Opportunities

There is also the possibility of specializing in a specific customer industry like energy, home appliances, building and construction, smart factories and so on. This is a different career path, with its own challenges.  In this case, software developer gain more insights in the processes of a nominal industry and navigate faster among the industrial customer’s requests. Sometimes, industry specific software may keep you updated with its specific evolution, thus enabling software developers to innovate and make important technology advances.

Grow A Career With Us

As you all may have heard it before, the IT community from Cluj region is one of the friendliest professional communities and we are happy to be a part of it. SOFTECH is constantly looking for talented software engineers. Should you be interested in joining the team, we invite to follow the open positions and apply by sending your CV at