UBB Mathematics and Informatics Department students just started their new university year! Our annual meeting with the first year students of the Mathematics and Informatics Department, from Babeș – Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania was memorable! As usual, the format was a relaxed one, aiming to raise awareness and stir the students’ curiosity on potential careers in IT. This meeting is important for us as a mean to attract more students in the practice of software development, in a context where the need for well-prepared specialists is growing.

Hoping that at this point, the idea of becoming a software developer seems more attractive, we thank our colleagues Karesz, Timi and Noémi for presenting the Codespring Mentoring Program. It is a thoroughly refined educational programme, that guides students, step by step, in becoming a junior software developer.
Codespring Mentoring Program itself has multiple action tracks: practical trainings, fast-track courses, summer internships, common projects and preparation of BSc and MSc Dissertations.
The core pillars of the program are:
- the practical trainings,
- the fast-track courses
- the common projects.
The Cluj-Napoca full stack software development training for the academic year 2024/2025 will put the students’ theoretical knowledge at work and will challenge them to start designing complex applications. Soon after, in the second semester at the university, students will get the chance to study enterprise systems architecture, to work directly with your colleagues and to learn about modularity in software development.
Key training topics:
- Methods, recipes and design patterns for developing complex software systems
- Management of software development processes, effective teamwork
- Tools to support the development process
- Technologies used in enterprise software development
- Topics and basic concepts related to the configuration, deployment and operation of software systems and quality assurance
We were glad to see other companies involved in this annual meeting with freshmen of the Mathematics and Informatics Department of Babeș-Bolyai Univeristy from Cluj-Napoca. We think it important to showcase various career opportunities to all these enthusiast students. It is a nice tradition that facilitates communication between private companies, NGOs and students.
Last, but not least, massive thanks to Kocka Reverse team for organizing the entertainment and the workshops of the event. Congrats everyone for joining and hope to see you soon!